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Harper Lab Publications and Presentations

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Stone D, Harper BJ, Lynch I, Dawson K, Harper S.  2010.  Exposure assessment: recommendations for nanotechnology-based pesticides.. Int J Occup Environ Health. 16(4):467-74.
Stine JS, Harper BJ, Conner CG, Velev OD, Harper SL.  2021.  In Vivo Toxicity Assessment of Chitosan-Coated Lignin Nanoparticles in Embryonic Zebrafish ().. Nanomaterials (Basel). 11(1)
Stine JS, Aziere N, Harper BJ, Harper SL.  2023.  A Novel Approach for Identifying Nanoplastics by Assessing Deformation Behavior with Scanning Electron Microscopy.. Micromachines (Basel). 14(10)
Stack ME, Hollman K, Mladenov N, Harper B, Pinongcos F, Sant KE, Rochman CM, Richardot W, Dodder NG, Hoh E.  2023.  Micron-size tire tread particles leach organic compounds at higher rates than centimeter-size particles: Compound identification and profile comparison.. Environ Pollut. 334:122116.
Sreniawski M.J, Harper B.J, Harper S.  2013.  Advancement of the GoodNanoGuide: A compendium of best practices for the global nanotech community.. Nanotech. 2
Son J, Hooven LA, Harper B, Harper S.  2015.  Effect of pH and ionic strength on exposure and toxicity of encapsulated lambda-cyhalothrin to Daphnia magna. Sci Total Environ. 538:683-91.
Slattery M, Harper B, Harper S.  2019.  Pesticide Encapsulation at the Nanoscale Drives Changes to the Hydrophobic Partitioning and Toxicity of an Active Ingredient.. Nanomaterials (Basel). 9(1)
Siddiqui S, Dickens JM, Cunningham BE, Hutton SJ, Pedersen EI, Harper B, Harper S, Brander SM.  2022.  Internalization, reduced growth, and behavioral effects following exposure to micro and nano tire particles in two estuarine indicator species.. Chemosphere. 296:133934.
Shupe HJ, Boenisch KM, Harper BJ, Brander SM, Harper SL.  2021.  Effect of Nanoplastic Type and Surface Chemistry on Particle Agglomeration over a Salinity Gradient.. Environ Toxicol Chem. 40(7):1822-1828.
Seyedmahmoudi S.H, Harper S, Weismiller M.C, Haapala K.R.  2015.  Evaluating the use of zinc oxide and titanium dioxide nanoparticles in a metalworking fluid from a toxicological perspective. Journal of Nanoparticle Research. 17(2):1-12.

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