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Internalization, reduced growth, and behavioral effects following exposure to micro and nano tire particles in two estuarine indicator species.

TitleInternalization, reduced growth, and behavioral effects following exposure to micro and nano tire particles in two estuarine indicator species.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsSiddiqui S, Dickens JM, Cunningham BE, Hutton SJ, Pedersen EI, Harper B, Harper S, Brander SM
Date Published2022 Jun
KeywordsAnimals, Crustacea, Ecosystem, Fishes, Water Pollutants, Chemical

Synthetic rubber emissions from automobile tires are common in aquatic ecosystems. To assess potential impacts on exposed organisms, early life stages of the estuarine indicator species Inland Silverside (Menidia beryllina) and mysid shrimp (Americamysis bahia) were exposed to three tire particle (TP) concentrations at micro and nano size fractions (0.0038, 0.0378 and 3.778 mg/L in mass concentrations for micro size particles), and separately to leachate, across a 5-25 PSU salinity gradient. Following exposure, M. beryllina and A. bahia had significantly altered swimming behaviors, such as increased freezing, changes in positioning, and total distance moved, which could lead to an increased risk of predation and foraging challenges in the wild. Growth for both A. bahia and M. beryllina was reduced in a concentration-dependent manner when exposed to micro-TP, whereas M. beryllina also demonstrated reduced growth when exposed to nano-TP (except lowest concentration). TP internalization was dependent on the exposure salinity in both taxa. The presence of adverse effects in M. beryllina and A. bahia indicate that even at current environmental levels of tire-related pollution, which are expected to continue to increase, aquatic ecosystems may be experiencing negative impacts.

Alternate JournalChemosphere
PubMed ID35176295
PubMed Central IDPMC9071364
Grant ListT32 ES007060 / ES / NIEHS NIH HHS / United States
Project Reference: 
Nano-scale Plastic Aquatic Toxicology

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