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Harper Lab Publications and Presentations

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Sreniawski M.J, Harper B.J, Harper S.  2013.  Advancement of the GoodNanoGuide: A compendium of best practices for the global nanotech community.. Nanotech. 2
Thomas DG, Gaheen S, Harper S, Fritts M, Klaessig F, Hahn-Dantona E, Paik D, Pan S, Stafford GA, Freund ET et al..  2013.  ISA-TAB-Nano: a specification for sharing nanomaterial research data in spreadsheet-based format.. BMC Biotechnol. 13:2.
Harper S, Hutchison JE, Baker N, Ostraat M, Tinkle S, Steevens J, Hoover MD, Adamick J, Rajan K, Gaheen S et al..  2013.  Nanoinformatics workshop report: Current resources, community needs, and the proposal of a collaborative framework for data sharing and information integration. Comput Sci Discov. 6(1):14008.
Tang K, Liu X, Harper S, Steevens JA, Xu R.  2013.  NEIMiner: nanomaterial environmental impact data miner.. Int J Nanomedicine. 8 Suppl 1:15-29.
Liu X, Tang K, Harper S, Harper B, Steevens JA, Xu R.  2013.  Predictive modeling of nanomaterial exposure effects in biological systems.. Int J Nanomedicine. 8 Suppl 1:31-43.
Park K., Tuttle G., Sinche F., Harper S.  2013.  Stability of citrate-capped silver nanoparticles in exposure media and their effects on the development of embryonic zebrafish (Danio rerio). Archives of Pharmacal Research. 36
Park K, Tuttle G, Sinche F, Harper S.  2013.  Stability of citrate-capped silver nanoparticles in exposure media and their effects on the development of embryonic zebrafish (Danio rerio).. Arch Pharm Res. 36(1):125-33.
Baker N, Klemm JD, Harper S, Gaheen S, Heiskanen M, Rocca-Serra P, Sansone S-A.  2013.  Standardizing data.. Nat Nanotechnol. 8(2):73-4.


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