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Harper Lab Publications and Presentations

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Harper S, Carriere JLee, Miller JM, Hutchison JEvan, Maddux BLS, Tanguay RL.  2011.  Systematic evaluation of nanomaterial toxicity: utility of standardized materials and rapid assays.. ACS Nano. 5(6):4688-97.
Harper S, Carriere JLee, Miller JM, Hutchison JEvan, Maddux BLS, Tanguay RL.  2011.  Systematic evaluation of nanomaterial toxicity: utility of standardized materials and rapid assays.. ACS Nano. 5(6):4688-97.
Mordorski B, Pelgrift R, Adler B, Krausz A, Neto ABatista da, Liang H, Gunther L, Clendaniel A, Harper S, Friedman JM et al..  2014.  S-nitrosocaptopril Nanoparticles as Nitric Oxide-Liberating and Transnitrosylating Anti-infective Technology. Nanomedicine.
Engstrom AM, Faase RA, Marquart GW, Baio JE, Mackiewicz MR, Harper SL.  2020.  Size-Dependent Interactions of Lipid-Coated Gold Nanoparticles: Developing a Better Mechanistic Understanding Through Model Cell Membranes and in vivo Toxicity.. Int J Nanomedicine. 15:4091-4104.
Engstrom AM, Faase RA, Marquart GW, Baio JE, Mackiewicz MR, Harper SL.  2020.  Size-Dependent Interactions of Lipid-Coated Gold Nanoparticles: Developing a Better Mechanistic Understanding Through Model Cell Membranes and in vivo Toxicity.. Int J Nanomedicine. 15:4091-4104.
Cunningham B, Engstrom AM, Harper BJ, Harper SL, Mackiewicz MR.  2021.  Silver Nanoparticles Stable to Oxidation and Silver Ion Release Show Size-Dependent Toxicity In Vivo.. Nanomaterials (Basel). 11(6)


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