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Integration among databases and data sets to support productive nanotechnology: Challenges and recommendations.

TitleIntegration among databases and data sets to support productive nanotechnology: Challenges and recommendations.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsKarcher S, Willighagen EL, Rumble J, Ehrhart F, Evelo CT, Fritts M, Gaheen S, Harper SL, Hoover MD, Jeliazkova N, Lewinski N, Robinson RLMarchese, Mills KC, Mustad AP, Thomas DG, Tsiliki G, Hendren COgilvie
Date Published2018 Jan

Many groups within the broad field of nanoinformatics are already developing data repositories and analytical tools driven by their individual organizational goals. Integrating these data resources across disciplines and with non-nanotechnology resources can support multiple objectives by enabling the reuse of the same information. Integration can also serve as the impetus for novel scientific discoveries by providing the framework to support deeper data analyses. This article discusses current data integration practices in nanoinformatics and in comparable mature fields, and nanotechnology-specific challenges impacting data integration. Based on results from a nanoinformatics-community-wide survey, recommendations for achieving integration of existing operational nanotechnology resources are presented. Nanotechnology-specific data integration challenges, if effectively resolved, can foster the application and validation of nanotechnology within and across disciplines. This paper is one of a series of articles by the Nanomaterial Data Curation Initiative that address data issues such as data curation workflows, data completeness and quality, curator responsibilities, and metadata.

Alternate JournalNanoImpact
PubMed ID30246165
PubMed Central IDPMC6145474
Grant ListCC999999 / / Intramural CDC HHS / United States
HHSN261200800001C / RC / CCR NIH HHS / United States
HHSN261200800001E / CA / NCI NIH HHS / United States
HHSN268201000022C / EB / NIBIB NIH HHS / United States

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