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Harper Lab Publications and Presentations

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Stine JS, Harper BJ, Conner CG, Velev OD, Harper SL.  2021.  In Vivo Toxicity Assessment of Chitosan-Coated Lignin Nanoparticles in Embryonic Zebrafish ().. Nanomaterials (Basel). 11(1)
Usenko CY, Harper S, Tanguay RL.  2007.  In vivo evaluation of carbon fullerene toxicity using embryonic zebrafish.. Carbon N Y. 45(9):1891-1898.
Harper BJ, Engstrom AM, Harper SL, Mackiewicz MR.  2024.  Impacts of Differentially Shaped Silver Nanoparticles with Increasingly Complex Hydrophobic Thiol Surface Coatings in Small-Scale Laboratory Microcosms.. Nanomaterials (Basel). 14(8)
Harper BJ, Clendaniel A, Sinche F, Way D, Hughes M, Schardt J, Simonsen J, Stefaniak AB, Harper S.  2016.  Impacts of chemical modification on the toxicity of diverse nanocellulose materials to developing zebrafish. Cellulose. 23(3)
Harper B.J, Sinche F., Wu R.H, Gowrishanker G., Marquart G., Mackiewiez M., Harper S.  2014.  The Impact of Surface Ligands and Synthesis Method on the Toxicity of Glutathione-Coated Gold Nanoparticles. Nanomaterials. 4:355-371.
Bonventre JA, Pryor JB, Harper BJ, Harper S.  2014.  The impact of aminated surface ligands and silica shells on the stability, uptake, and toxicity of engineered silver nanoparticles. J Nanopart Res. 16(12):2761.
Robinson RLiam March, Sarimveis H, Doganis P, Jia X, Kotzabasaki M, Gousiadou C, Harper SLynn, Wilkins T.  2021.  Identifying diverse metal oxide nanomaterials with lethal effects on embryonic zebrafish using machine learning.. Beilstein J Nanotechnol. 12:1297-1325.


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