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Harper Lab Publications and Presentations

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Wang R, Meredith AN, Lee M, Deutsch D, Miadzvedskaya L, Braun E, Pantano P, Harper S, Draper R.  2016.  Toxicity assessment and bioaccumulation in zebrafish embryos exposed to carbon nanotubes suspended in Pluronic® F-108.. Nanotoxicology. 10(6):689-98.
Wexler P., Ardollahi M., De Peyster A., Greim H., Harper S, Moser V., Ray S., Tarazona J., Wiegand T..  2014.  Encyclopedia of Toxicology, 3rd edition. Encyclopedia of Toxicology. :5220.
Wu F, Harper BJ, Harper SL.  2019.  Comparative dissolution, uptake, and toxicity of zinc oxide particles in individual aquatic species and mixed populations.. Environ Toxicol Chem. 38(3):591-602.
Wu F, Harper BJ, Crandon LE, Harper SL.  2020.  Assessment of Cu and CuO nanoparticle ecological responses using laboratory small-scale microcosms.. Environ Sci Nano. 7(1):105-115.
Wu F, Harper BJ, Harper SL.  2017.  Differential dissolution and toxicity of surface functionalized silver nanoparticles in small-scale microcosms: impacts of community complexity. Environmental Science: Nano. 4:359-372.
Wu F.  2014.  Differential responses of single species and mixed community exposures to environmentally relevant concentrations of zinc oxide nanoparticles.
Wu F, Bortvedt A, Harper BJ, Crandon LE, Harper SL.  2017.  Uptake and toxicity of CuO nanoparticles to Daphnia magna varies between indirect dietary and direct waterborne exposures. Aquat Toxicol. 190:78-86.
Wu F, Harper BJ, Marsh DA, Saha S, Diulus T, Amador JM, Keszler DA, Herman GS, Maddux BLS, Harper SL.  2019.  Monoalkyl Tin Nano-Cluster Films Reveal a Low Environmental Impact under Simulated Natural Conditions.. Environ Toxicol Chem. 38(12):2651-2658.


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