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Harper Lab Publications and Presentations

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Shupe HJ, Boenisch KM, Harper BJ, Brander SM, Harper SL.  2021.  Effect of Nanoplastic Type and Surface Chemistry on Particle Agglomeration over a Salinity Gradient.. Environ Toxicol Chem. 40(7):1822-1828.
Patel I, Woodcock J, Beams R, Stranick SJ, Nieuwendaal R, Gilman JW, Mulenos MR, Sayes CM, Salari M, DeLoid G et al..  2021.  Fluorescently Labeled Cellulose Nanofibers for Environmental Health and Safety Studies.. Nanomaterials (Basel). 11(4)
Patel I, Woodcock J, Beams R, Stranick SJ, Nieuwendaal R, Gilman JW, Mulenos MR, Sayes CM, Salari M, DeLoid G et al..  2021.  Fluorescently Labeled Cellulose Nanofibers for Environmental Health and Safety Studies.. Nanomaterials (Basel). 11(4)
Patel I, Woodcock J, Beams R, Stranick SJ, Nieuwendaal R, Gilman JW, Mulenos MR, Sayes CM, Salari M, DeLoid G et al..  2021.  Fluorescently Labeled Cellulose Nanofibers for Environmental Health and Safety Studies.. Nanomaterials (Basel). 11(4)
Patel I, Woodcock J, Beams R, Stranick SJ, Nieuwendaal R, Gilman JW, Mulenos MR, Sayes CM, Salari M, DeLoid G et al..  2021.  Fluorescently Labeled Cellulose Nanofibers for Environmental Health and Safety Studies.. Nanomaterials (Basel). 11(4)
Robinson RLiam March, Sarimveis H, Doganis P, Jia X, Kotzabasaki M, Gousiadou C, Harper SLynn, Wilkins T.  2021.  Identifying diverse metal oxide nanomaterials with lethal effects on embryonic zebrafish using machine learning.. Beilstein J Nanotechnol. 12:1297-1325.
Stine JS, Harper BJ, Conner CG, Velev OD, Harper SL.  2021.  In Vivo Toxicity Assessment of Chitosan-Coated Lignin Nanoparticles in Embryonic Zebrafish ().. Nanomaterials (Basel). 11(1)
Gousiadou C, Robinson RLMarchese, Kotzabasaki M, Doganis P, Wilkins TA, Jia X, Sarimveis H, Harper SL.  2021.  Machine learning predictions of concentration-specific aggregate hazard scores of inorganic nanomaterials in embryonic zebrafish.. Nanotoxicology. 15(4):446-476.
Teeguarden JG, Tan Y-M, Edwards SW, Leonard JA, Anderson KA, Corley RA, Kile ML, Simonich SM, Stone D, Tanguay RL et al..  2016.  Completing the Link between Exposure Science and Toxicology for Improved Environmental Health Decision Making: The Aggregate Exposure Pathway Framework. Environ Sci Technol.
Teeguarden JG, Tan Y-M, Edwards SW, Leonard JA, Anderson KA, Corley RA, Kile ML, Simonich SM, Stone D, Tanguay RL et al..  2016.  Completing the Link between Exposure Science and Toxicology for Improved Environmental Health Decision Making: The Aggregate Exposure Pathway Framework. Environ Sci Technol.
Lowry G.V., Harper S., Rawle A.F., Hendren C.O., Klaessig F., Nobbmann U., Sayre P., Rumble J..  2016.  Guidance to improve the scientific value of zeta-potential measurements in nanoEHS.
Harper BJ, Clendaniel A, Sinche F, Way D, Hughes M, Schardt J, Simonsen J, Stefaniak AB, Harper S.  2016.  Impacts of chemical modification on the toxicity of diverse nanocellulose materials to developing zebrafish. Cellulose. 23(3)
Harper BJ, Clendaniel A, Sinche F, Way D, Hughes M, Schardt J, Simonsen J, Stefaniak AB, Harper S.  2016.  Impacts of chemical modification on the toxicity of diverse nanocellulose materials to developing zebrafish. Cellulose. 23(3)
Harper BJ, Clendaniel A, Sinche F, Way D, Hughes M, Schardt J, Simonsen J, Stefaniak AB, Harper S.  2016.  Impacts of chemical modification on the toxicity of diverse nanocellulose materials to developing zebrafish. Cellulose. 23(3)
Harper BJ, Clendaniel A, Sinche F, Way D, Hughes M, Schardt J, Simonsen J, Stefaniak AB, Harper S.  2016.  Impacts of chemical modification on the toxicity of diverse nanocellulose materials to developing zebrafish. Cellulose. 23(3)


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