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Harper Lab Publications and Presentations

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Harper B, Thomas D, Chikkagoudar S, Baker N, Tang K, Heredia-Langner A, Lins R, Harper S.  2015.  Comparative hazard analysis and toxicological modeling of diverse nanomaterials using the embryonic zebrafish (EZ) metric of toxicity. J Nanopart Res. 17(6):250.
Krausz AE, Adler BL, Cabral V, Navati M, Doerner J, Charafeddine RA, Chandra D, Liang H, Gunther L, Clendaniel A et al..  2015.  Curcumin-encapsulated nanoparticles as innovative antimicrobial and wound healing agent. Nanomedicine. 11(1):195-206.
Krausz AE, Adler BL, Cabral V, Navati M, Doerner J, Charafeddine RA, Chandra D, Liang H, Gunther L, Clendaniel A et al..  2015.  Curcumin-encapsulated nanoparticles as innovative antimicrobial and wound healing agent. Nanomedicine. 11(1):195-206.
Krausz AE, Adler BL, Cabral V, Navati M, Doerner J, Charafeddine RA, Chandra D, Liang H, Gunther L, Clendaniel A et al..  2015.  Curcumin-encapsulated nanoparticles as innovative antimicrobial and wound healing agent. Nanomedicine. 11(1):195-206.
Krausz AE, Adler BL, Cabral V, Navati M, Doerner J, Charafeddine RA, Chandra D, Liang H, Gunther L, Clendaniel A et al..  2015.  Curcumin-encapsulated nanoparticles as innovative antimicrobial and wound healing agent. Nanomedicine. 11(1):195-206.
Harper S.  2015.  Measuring nanomaterial release from carbon nanotube composites: review of the state of the science. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 617(1)
Harper S.  2015.  Measuring nanomaterial release from carbon nanotube composites: review of the state of the science. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 617(1)
Krishnaraj C, Harper S, Choe HSung, Kim K-P, Yun S-I.  2015.  Mechanistic aspects of biologically synthesized silver nanoparticles against food- and water-borne microbes. Bioprocess Biosyst Eng. 38(10):1943-58.
Qin M, Landriscina A, Rosen JM, Wei G, Kao S, Olcott W, Agak GW, Paz KB, Bonventre J, Clendaniel A et al..  2015.  Nitric Oxide-Releasing Nanoparticles Prevent Propionibacterium acnes-Induced Inflammation by Both Clearing the Organism and Inhibiting Microbial Stimulation of the Innate Immune Response. J Invest Dermatol. 135(11):2723-31.
Rajan R., Chandran K., Harper S, Yun S.I, Kalaichelvan P.T.  2015.  Plant extract synthesized silver nanoparticles: An ongoing source of novel biocompatible materials. Industrial Crops and Products. 70


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