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Harper Lab Publications and Presentations

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Journal Article
Wu F, Harper BJ, Marsh DA, Saha S, Diulus T, Amador JM, Keszler DA, Herman GS, Maddux BLS, Harper SL.  2019.  Monoalkyl Tin Nano-Cluster Films Reveal a Low Environmental Impact under Simulated Natural Conditions.. Environ Toxicol Chem. 38(12):2651-2658.
Harper S, Hutchison JE, Baker N, Ostraat M, Tinkle S, Steevens J, Hoover MD, Adamick J, Rajan K, Gaheen S et al..  2013.  Nanoinformatics workshop report: Current resources, community needs, and the proposal of a collaborative framework for data sharing and information integration. Comput Sci Discov. 6(1):14008.
Harper S, Hutchison JE, Baker N, Ostraat M, Tinkle S, Steevens J, Hoover MD, Adamick J, Rajan K, Gaheen S et al..  2013.  Nanoinformatics workshop report: Current resources, community needs, and the proposal of a collaborative framework for data sharing and information integration. Comput Sci Discov. 6(1):14008.
Harper S, Hutchison JE, Baker N, Ostraat M, Tinkle S, Steevens J, Hoover MD, Adamick J, Rajan K, Gaheen S et al..  2013.  Nanoinformatics workshop report: Current resources, community needs, and the proposal of a collaborative framework for data sharing and information integration. Comput Sci Discov. 6(1):14008.
Hendren CO, Powers CM, Hoover MD, Harper S.  2015.  The Nanomaterial Data Curation Initiative: A collaborative approach to assessing, evaluating, and advancing the state of the field. Beilstein J Nanotechnol. 6:1752-62.
Hendren CO, Powers CM, Hoover MD, Harper S.  2015.  The Nanomaterial Data Curation Initiative: A collaborative approach to assessing, evaluating, and advancing the state of the field. Beilstein J Nanotechnol. 6:1752-62.
Hendren CO, Powers CM, Hoover MD, Harper S.  2015.  The Nanomaterial Data Curation Initiative: A collaborative approach to assessing, evaluating, and advancing the state of the field. Beilstein J Nanotechnol. 6:1752-62.
Tang K, Liu X, Harper S, Steevens JA, Xu R.  2013.  NEIMiner: nanomaterial environmental impact data miner.. Int J Nanomedicine. 8 Suppl 1:15-29.
Qin M, Landriscina A, Rosen JM, Wei G, Kao S, Olcott W, Agak GW, Paz KB, Bonventre J, Clendaniel A et al..  2015.  Nitric Oxide-Releasing Nanoparticles Prevent Propionibacterium acnes-Induced Inflammation by Both Clearing the Organism and Inhibiting Microbial Stimulation of the Innate Immune Response. J Invest Dermatol. 135(11):2723-31.
Stine JS, Aziere N, Harper BJ, Harper SL.  2023.  A Novel Approach for Identifying Nanoplastics by Assessing Deformation Behavior with Scanning Electron Microscopy.. Micromachines (Basel). 14(10)
Stine JS, Aziere N, Harper BJ, Harper SL.  2023.  A Novel Approach for Identifying Nanoplastics by Assessing Deformation Behavior with Scanning Electron Microscopy.. Micromachines (Basel). 14(10)
Harper S, Reiber CL.  2001.  Ontogeny of neurohormonal regulation of the cardiovascular system in the crayfish Procambarus clarkii.. J Comp Physiol B. 171(7):577-83.
Reiber CL, Harper S.  2001.  Perspectives on cardiac physiological ontogeny in crustaceans.. Zoology (Jena). 104(2):103-13.
Slattery M, Harper B, Harper S.  2019.  Pesticide Encapsulation at the Nanoscale Drives Changes to the Hydrophobic Partitioning and Toxicity of an Active Ingredient.. Nanomaterials (Basel). 9(1)
Slattery M, Harper B, Harper S.  2019.  Pesticide Encapsulation at the Nanoscale Drives Changes to the Hydrophobic Partitioning and Toxicity of an Active Ingredient.. Nanomaterials (Basel). 9(1)
Ozmen N, Erdemoglu S, Gungordu A, Asilturk M, Turhan DOzhan, Akgeyik E, Harper SL, Ozmen M.  2018.  Photocatalytic degradation of azo dye using core@shell nano-TiO particles to reduce toxicity.. Environ Sci Pollut Res Int. 25(29):29493-29504.
Harper S, Reiber CL.  2004.  Physiological development of the embryonic and larval crayfish heart.. Biol Bull. 206(2):78-86.
Rajan R., Chandran K., Harper S, Yun S.I, Kalaichelvan P.T.  2015.  Plant extract synthesized silver nanoparticles: An ongoing source of novel biocompatible materials. Industrial Crops and Products. 70
Krishnaraj C, Ji B-J, Harper S, Yun S-I.  2016.  Plant extract-mediated biogenic synthesis of silver, manganese dioxide, silver-doped manganese dioxide nanoparticles and their antibacterial activity against food- and water-borne pathogens. Bioprocess Biosyst Eng.
Hooven LA, Chakrabarti P, Harper BJ, Sagili RR, Harper SL.  2019.  Potential Risk to Pollinators from Nanotechnology-Based Pesticides.. Molecules. 24(24)
Hooven LA, Chakrabarti P, Harper BJ, Sagili RR, Harper SL.  2019.  Potential Risk to Pollinators from Nanotechnology-Based Pesticides.. Molecules. 24(24)
Hooven LA, Chakrabarti P, Harper BJ, Sagili RR, Harper SL.  2019.  Potential Risk to Pollinators from Nanotechnology-Based Pesticides.. Molecules. 24(24)
Liu X, Tang K, Harper S, Harper B, Steevens JA, Xu R.  2013.  Predictive modeling of nanomaterial exposure effects in biological systems.. Int J Nanomedicine. 8 Suppl 1:31-43.
Liu X, Tang K, Harper S, Harper B, Steevens JA, Xu R.  2013.  Predictive modeling of nanomaterial exposure effects in biological systems.. Int J Nanomedicine. 8 Suppl 1:31-43.
Almurshidi BH, Van Court RC, Gutierrez SMVega, Harper S, Harper B, Robinson SC.  2021.  Preliminary Examination of the Toxicity of Spalting Fungal Pigments: A Comparison between Extraction Methods.. J Fungi (Basel). 7(2)


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