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Harper Lab Publications and Presentations

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Ramachandran R, Krishnaraj C, Kumar VKAbhay, Harper SL, Kalaichelvan TP, Yun S-I.  2018.  In vivo toxicity evaluation of biologically synthesized silver nanoparticles and gold nanoparticles on adult zebrafish: a comparative study.. 3 Biotech. 8(10):441.
Karcher S, Willighagen EL, Rumble J, Ehrhart F, Evelo CT, Fritts M, Gaheen S, Harper SL, Hoover MD, Jeliazkova N et al..  2018.  Integration among databases and data sets to support productive nanotechnology: Challenges and recommendations.. NanoImpact. 9:85-101.
Karcher S, Willighagen EL, Rumble J, Ehrhart F, Evelo CT, Fritts M, Gaheen S, Harper SL, Hoover MD, Jeliazkova N et al..  2018.  Integration among databases and data sets to support productive nanotechnology: Challenges and recommendations.. NanoImpact. 9:85-101.
Karcher S, Willighagen EL, Rumble J, Ehrhart F, Evelo CT, Fritts M, Gaheen S, Harper SL, Hoover MD, Jeliazkova N et al..  2018.  Integration among databases and data sets to support productive nanotechnology: Challenges and recommendations.. NanoImpact. 9:85-101.
Ozmen N, Erdemoglu S, Gungordu A, Asilturk M, Turhan DOzhan, Akgeyik E, Harper SL, Ozmen M.  2018.  Photocatalytic degradation of azo dye using core@shell nano-TiO particles to reduce toxicity.. Environ Sci Pollut Res Int. 25(29):29493-29504.
Denluck L, Wu F, Crandon LE, Harper BJ, Harper SL.  2018.  Reactive oxygen species generation is likely a driver of copper based nanomaterial toxicity.. Environ Sci Nano. 5(6):1473-1481.
Denluck L, Wu F, Crandon LE, Harper BJ, Harper SL.  2018.  Reactive oxygen species generation is likely a driver of copper based nanomaterial toxicity.. Environ Sci Nano. 5(6):1473-1481.
Nix CE, Harper BJ, Conner CG, Richter AP, Velev OD, Harper SL.  2018.  Toxicological Assessment of a Lignin Core Nanoparticle Doped with Silver as an Alternative to Conventional Silver Core Nanoparticles. Antibiotics (Basel). 7(2)
Nix CE, Harper BJ, Conner CG, Richter AP, Velev OD, Harper SL.  2018.  Toxicological Assessment of a Lignin Core Nanoparticle Doped with Silver as an Alternative to Conventional Silver Core Nanoparticles. Antibiotics (Basel). 7(2)
Teeguarden JG, Tan Y-M, Edwards SW, Leonard JA, Anderson KA, Corley RA, Kile ML, Simonich SM, Stone D, Tanguay RL et al..  2016.  Completing the Link between Exposure Science and Toxicology for Improved Environmental Health Decision Making: The Aggregate Exposure Pathway Framework. Environ Sci Technol.
Lowry G.V., Harper S., Rawle A.F., Hendren C.O., Klaessig F., Nobbmann U., Sayre P., Rumble J..  2016.  Guidance to improve the scientific value of zeta-potential measurements in nanoEHS.
Lowry G.V., Harper S., Rawle A.F., Hendren C.O., Klaessig F., Nobbmann U., Sayre P., Rumble J..  2016.  Guidance to improve the scientific value of zeta-potential measurements in nanoEHS.
Robinson RLMarchese, Lynch I, Peijnenburg W, Rumble J, Klaessig F, Marquardt C, Rauscher H, Puzyn T, Purian R, Åberg C et al..  2016.  How should the completeness and quality of curated nanomaterial data be evaluated? Nanoscale. 8(19):9919-43.
Robinson RLMarchese, Lynch I, Peijnenburg W, Rumble J, Klaessig F, Marquardt C, Rauscher H, Puzyn T, Purian R, Åberg C et al..  2016.  How should the completeness and quality of curated nanomaterial data be evaluated? Nanoscale. 8(19):9919-43.
Robinson RLMarchese, Lynch I, Peijnenburg W, Rumble J, Klaessig F, Marquardt C, Rauscher H, Puzyn T, Purian R, Åberg C et al..  2016.  How should the completeness and quality of curated nanomaterial data be evaluated? Nanoscale. 8(19):9919-43.
Robinson RLMarchese, Lynch I, Peijnenburg W, Rumble J, Klaessig F, Marquardt C, Rauscher H, Puzyn T, Purian R, Åberg C et al..  2016.  How should the completeness and quality of curated nanomaterial data be evaluated? Nanoscale. 8(19):9919-43.


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