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CeO nanoparticle dose and exposure modulate soybean development and plant-mediated responses in root-associated bacterial communities.

TitleCeO nanoparticle dose and exposure modulate soybean development and plant-mediated responses in root-associated bacterial communities.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2024
AuthorsReichman JR, Slattery MR, Johnson MG, Andersen CP, Harper SL
JournalSci Rep
Date Published2024 May 03
KeywordsBacteria, Cerium, Glycine max, Microbiota, Nanoparticles, Plant Roots, Rhizosphere, Soil, Soil Microbiology

Agricultural soils are increasingly undergoing inadvertent and purposeful exposures to engineered CeO nanoparticles (NPs), which can impact crops and root-associated microbial communities. However, interactions between NP concentration and exposure duration on plant-mediated responses of root-associated bacterial communities are not well understood. Soybeans seedlings were grown in soil with uncoated NPs added at concentrations of 0, 1 or 100 mg kg. Total soil exposure durations were either 190 days, starting 106 days before planting or 84 days with NP amendments coinciding with planting. We assessed plant development, bacterial diversity, differential abundance and inferred functional changes across rhizosphere, rhizoplane, and root tissue compartments. Plant non-monotonic dose responses were mirrored in bacterial communities. Most notably, effects were magnified in the rhizoplane under low-dose, short-exposures. Enriched metabolic pathways were primarily related to biosynthesis and degradation/utilization/assimilation, rather than responses to metals or oxidative stress. Our results indicate that plant-mediated bacterial responses were greater than direct NP impacts. Also, we identify needs for modeling non-monotonic legume stress responses that account for coinfection with mutualistic and parasitic bacteroids. Our findings provide new insights regarding effects of applications of soil amendments such as biosolids containing NPs or nano-enabled formulations used in cultivation of legumes and other crops.

Alternate JournalSci Rep
PubMed ID38702407
PubMed Central IDPMC11068890
Grant List83591301 / / U.S. Environmental Protection Agency /
2013-67021-21181 / / U.S. Department of Agriculture /
ARF8301A / / Oregon State University /

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