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Venecia Rollins


Venecia is currently a junior undergraduate student double majoring in Sustainability and BioResource Research (concentrations in Water Resources and Toxicology) with minors in Chemistry and Toxicology. Originally from Wisconsin, she moved to Oregon in 2017 after receiving her associate degree in science in 2014. Upon getting to the West Coast, Venecia traveled in Southeast Asia, work-trading with families on their farms in Thailand, getting her advanced PADI certification in Malaysia, and teaching English in Việt Nam. After stopping in the States for 6 months, Venecia traveled to Colombia to be in a wedding and decided to stay for two months. Her time abroad prompted Venecia to want to focus on making the world a safer place – one where every being has clean water available and not a commodity. This is what led her to enroll in school.

Research Interest/Focus: 

Venecia’s research centers around Pacific Lamprey (Entosphenus tridentatus). She is actively working with the Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission; looking at a multi-year correlative study between methylmercury and microplastic loads in muscle tissue of Pacific Lamprey from the Columbia River basin. Her hope for this research is to provide accurate information to this region’s tribes about the current state of one of their most important protein sources.

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