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Shyla Streeter


I’m a senior Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Undergraduate student and starting the first year of my accelerated Master’s program in Toxicology. I’m returning to school after initially getting an associate degree in the arts at Mount Hood Community College. I spent almost 6 years working as a professional potter working at a production ceramics company in Portland and creating my own wood fired pottery as well. I was also a passionate dancer having 18 years of ballet experience and many years of other disciplines as well.

Research Interest/Focus: 

My interests mostly lie in micro- and nanoplastics and researching them from a human health perspective. Currently I’m researching micro- and nanoplastics induction of reactive oxygen species, assessing their oxidative stress impacts on zebrafish. I’ve been developing my methods this summer to achieve quantitative data from the assay and will be putting it into action in the fall. In the future, I’m hoping to pick up some brief but interesting exploratory tests we did with fireworks particles.

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