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Miranda Jackson

Highest Degree Received: 

I am a third-year PhD student working in both Dr. Stacey Harper’s Nanotoxicology Lab and Dr. Manuel Garcia-Jaramillo’s Water Quality Toxicology Lab. I received my Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science from Southern Illinois University in 2020 and my Master of Science in Toxicology from Oregon State University in 2023. I also serve as the graduate student representative of the PNW regional chapter of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC).

Research Interest/Focus: 

My research interests focus on aquatic ecotoxicological impacts of anthropogenic contaminants. One of my current projects employs high-resolution mass spectrometry and multi-OMICS analysis to elucidate the toxicity of road runoff water-derived contaminants in juvenile salmonid species. Additionally, I am investigating the toxicity of micro, nano, and leachate fractions of various tire rubber particles using the zebrafish embryo developmental toxicity model.

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