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Dr. Stacey Harper

Highest Degree Received: 

Post-doctoral Fellow 2008. Environmental and Molecular Toxicology, Environmental Health Sciences Center, Corvallis, Oregon 97331.
Post-doctoral Fellow 2005. Exposure and Dose Research Branch, Environmental Protection Agency, Las Vegas, NV 89154.
Ph.D. 2003. Biological Sciences, University of Nevada Las Vegas, Las Vegas, NV 89154.
M.S. 1998. Biological Sciences, University of Nevada Las Vegas, Las Vegas, NV 89154.
B.S. 1993. Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Mesa State College, Grand Junction, CO 81503.

Research Interest/Focus: 

Novel approaches to predictive toxicology; assimilating and fusing information on nanomaterial-biological interactions to permit data mining, generate predictive knowledge and provide information to minimize toxicity; the relationships among curently disparate exposure, dose and toxicity data in animal systems (including humans) and the degree to which those relationships can accurately be extrapolated to other systems and exposure scenarios; novel tools to determine nanomaterial characteristics; biological activity and toxic potential of novel nanomaterials; as well as comparative physiology and toxicology.

Book Chapters: 

Troung, L., S.L. Harper and R.L. Tanguay. 2011. Evaluation of embryotoxicity using the zebrafish model.
In Methods in Molecular Medicine. Editor Jean-Charles Gautier. (pp. 271-279) Humana Press,
Totowa, NJ.
Usenko, C.Y., S.L. Harper and R.L. Tanguay. 2010. Fullerene C60 Toxicology. In Handbook of
Nanophysics: Nanomedicine and Nanorobotics. Editor Klaus D. Sattler. (pp. 17.1-17.8) Taylor and Francis, London, England.


2011 NIEHS Oustanding New Environmental Scientist of the Year
2008 Science Communication Fellow for Environmental Health Sciences
2007 Best Platform Presentation, Pacific Northwest Association of Toxicologists
2004 Superior Performance Award, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
2001 Marjorie Barrick Research Fellowship, University of Nevada Las Vegas
2000 Biology General Scholarship, Graduate College, University of Nevada Las Vegas
2000 Outstanding Achievement in Biology Award, University of Nevada Las Vegas
1999 University of Nevada Las Vegas Alumni Association Most Outstanding Thesis
1999 Best Student Paper Award, Arizona-Nevada Academy of Sciences
1998 College of Sciences Outstanding Thesis Award, University of Nevada Las Vegas
1998 Outstanding Young Scholar in Science and Engineering, Univ. of Nevada LV
1997 Soroptamist Award, National Soroptamist Society
1997-99 University of Nevada Las Vegas Regents Award
1993 Frank G. Brookes Award for Excellence in Scientific Research, Tri-Beta National Biological Honor Society

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