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Harper Lab Publications and Presentations

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Journal Article
Harper B, Thomas D, Chikkagoudar S, Baker N, Tang K, Heredia-Langner A, Lins R, Harper S.  2015.  Comparative hazard analysis and toxicological modeling of diverse nanomaterials using the embryonic zebrafish (EZ) metric of toxicity. J Nanopart Res. 17(6):250.
Son J, Hooven LA, Harper B, Harper S.  2015.  Effect of pH and ionic strength on exposure and toxicity of encapsulated lambda-cyhalothrin to Daphnia magna. Sci Total Environ. 538:683-91.
Patel I, Woodcock J, Beams R, Stranick SJ, Nieuwendaal R, Gilman JW, Mulenos MR, Sayes CM, Salari M, DeLoid G et al..  2021.  Fluorescently Labeled Cellulose Nanofibers for Environmental Health and Safety Studies.. Nanomaterials (Basel). 11(4)
Olsen MRose, Colliard I, Rahman T, Miyaishi TC, Harper B, Harper S, Nyman M.  2021.  Hybrid Polyoxometalate Salt Adhesion by Butyltin Functionalization.. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. 13(16):19497-19506.
Meredith AN, Harper B, Harper S.  2016.  The influence of size on the toxicity of an encapsulated pesticide: a comparison of micron- and nano-sized capsules. Environ Int. 86:68-74.
Zhou Z, Son J, Harper B, Zhou Z, Harper S.  2015.  Influence of surface chemical properties on the toxicity of engineered zinc oxide nanoparticles to embryonic zebrafish. Beilstein J Nanotechnol. 6:1568-79.
Slattery M, Harper B, Harper S.  2019.  Pesticide Encapsulation at the Nanoscale Drives Changes to the Hydrophobic Partitioning and Toxicity of an Active Ingredient.. Nanomaterials (Basel). 9(1)
Liu X, Tang K, Harper S, Harper B, Steevens JA, Xu R.  2013.  Predictive modeling of nanomaterial exposure effects in biological systems.. Int J Nanomedicine. 8 Suppl 1:31-43.
Almurshidi BH, Van Court RC, Gutierrez SMVega, Harper S, Harper B, Robinson SC.  2021.  Preliminary Examination of the Toxicity of Spalting Fungal Pigments: A Comparison between Extraction Methods.. J Fungi (Basel). 7(2)
Cunningham B, Harper B, Brander S, Harper S.  2022.  Toxicity of micro and nano tire particles and leachate for model freshwater organisms.. J Hazard Mater. 429:128319.

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