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Harper Lab Publications and Presentations

[ Author(Desc)] Title Type Year
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Harper B.J, Sinche F., Wu R.H, Gowrishanker G., Marquart G., Mackiewiez M., Harper S.  2014.  The Impact of Surface Ligands and Synthesis Method on the Toxicity of Glutathione-Coated Gold Nanoparticles. Nanomaterials. 4:355-371.
Harper S, Carriere JLee, Miller JM, Hutchison JEvan, Maddux BLS, Tanguay RL.  2011.  Systematic evaluation of nanomaterial toxicity: utility of standardized materials and rapid assays.. ACS Nano. 5(6):4688-97.
Harper S, Reiber CL.  2001.  Ontogeny of neurohormonal regulation of the cardiovascular system in the crayfish Procambarus clarkii.. J Comp Physiol B. 171(7):577-83.
Harper S, Reiber CL.  2004.  Physiological development of the embryonic and larval crayfish heart.. Biol Bull. 206(2):78-86.
Harper BJ, Clendaniel A, Sinche F, Way D, Hughes M, Schardt J, Simonsen J, Stefaniak AB, Harper S.  2016.  Impacts of chemical modification on the toxicity of diverse nanocellulose materials to developing zebrafish. Cellulose. 23(3)
Harper S, Hutchison JE, Baker N, Ostraat M, Tinkle S, Steevens J, Hoover MD, Adamick J, Rajan K, Gaheen S et al..  2013.  Nanoinformatics workshop report: Current resources, community needs, and the proposal of a collaborative framework for data sharing and information integration. Comput Sci Discov. 6(1):14008.
Harper S.  2015.  Measuring nanomaterial release from carbon nanotube composites: review of the state of the science. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 617(1)
Harper BJ, Engstrom AM, Harper SL, Mackiewicz MR.  2024.  Impacts of Differentially Shaped Silver Nanoparticles with Increasingly Complex Hydrophobic Thiol Surface Coatings in Small-Scale Laboratory Microcosms.. Nanomaterials (Basel). 14(8)
Harper B, Thomas D, Chikkagoudar S, Baker N, Tang K, Heredia-Langner A, Lins R, Harper S.  2015.  Comparative hazard analysis and toxicological modeling of diverse nanomaterials using the embryonic zebrafish (EZ) metric of toxicity. J Nanopart Res. 17(6):250.
Harper S, Reiber CL.  2006.  Metabolic, respiratory and cardiovascular responses to acute and chronic hypoxic exposure in tadpole shrimp Triops longicaudatus.. J Exp Biol. 209(Pt 9):1639-50.


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